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Old 2015-05-20, 07:41   Link #109
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Georgia, Tbilisi
As far as being disjointed, that was mostly a problem with a couple episodes around the UBW scene. The transitions between scenes didn't feel very fluid, once they even had two scenes overlapping for no reason I could discern. Yeah there are situations where that is okay and feels natural, but this wasn't one of them. Also, the whole scene in UBW felt like it had just been shoehorned in. Going into UBW was okay, but coming out just felt like "...wait, that's it?" The actual exchange within UBW lasted all of like 5 seconds, and once we were back in the church there was an honest moment of "wait, why are we back here again?"
I agree with this. The UBW sequence really felt weird and un-satisfying. The first appearance of UBW should not have been so weak. I will be really surprised if the BD doesn't have a fix.

Discussing it like this makes it seem a lot worse than it is, its not like I'm trying to say they did a bad job. I just think there are a couple places that could use some polish from a director's standpoint.
I know, I know. I'm not being a fanboy that cannot handle criticism, I just want to hear it in detail otherwise I have hard time following it xDD
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