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Old 2015-05-24, 05:36   Link #35185
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Originally Posted by Mali View Post
And Tohya also wrote Ep3 and 4?
Well, it was always clear that the Hachijôs wrote Alliance (EP4) but it always kind of bothered me (and other people here too) why exactly Banquet would be written by them if they knew the answer, since it was always a question of how much Battler actually knew.
With the new information it would actually make sense, if Battler for the rest of his conscious time believed Eva to be the culprit. This would then be filtered through Tohya's broken memory and, even with the information from Confession, end up as a theory in which Eva highjacked the game. It'll still end up not making sense at certain points, since people who shouldn't have ended up dead died.

Was Ep7 (I mean the VN version) now written by Tohya from his memory or by Ikuko?
I think EP7 is more like an outsiders attempt to set everything together. The game is created on order of Featherine (Ikuko) and by Bern (the uncaring reader), without any further aid of Battler (Tohya).

I didn't like the idea that Sayo throw her confession with the other bottles in the ocean. Wiki says she found it by roadside.
What if ... Tohya is the personification of the bottle mail?
Narratively it wouldn't make much sense.
Ikuko shows the message bottle to him a good time after they've become acquainted with each other. The fact alone that she is using the internet shows that at least 5-6 years must have passed since 1986.
A) There was no direct trigger for Tohya to "become" that message bottle so late.
B) The bottle also contains information that (according to chapter 37) was not given to Battler; like the truth about Sayo's body, Kinzo's transgressions, etc.

Why did Tohya try to make Sayo being the culprits in most in his stories? Dedicate them to Sayo? Were we supposed to solve them with Kyrie as the murderer?
It actually makes a lot of sense now (I think jjblue already broke it down a little).
EP1 and 2 are the actual stories written by Sayo, so they would have her as the culprit.
EP3 would be Tohya's first jumbled attempt to recreate the events, maybe even with Ikuko using Confession (since we know she mentions tricks from Banquet in there). Subconsciously he might remember that "Sayo did not murder anyone" and "a fight broke out over the inheritance" so that (fueled by Eva's survival) creates the plot around Eva-Beatrice.
EP4 is him dismissing it, on the grounds that too many discrepancies krept into that first attempt (shown to us by the impossible murder of Nanjo, as well as the fact that Eva was not EVA). Here he uses the plot of the witch as the murderer, but does neither remember the promise, nor is he able to piece together elements like the why.

Did Ikuko influenced Ep3 and 4?
I would be surprised if she didn't. She and Featherine are portrayed as total Rokkenjima nuts who absolutely want to have their theory proven right until she suddenly changes her mind during a conference (which I still hope will be explained in the last chapter next month)

Originally Posted by Mali View Post
The best hint is if the police confiscate the mail bottles and make a DNA test. The case was closed fairly early, right?
But it's possible to find out Sayo's sex using scientific methods unless Sayo was aware of that and put on gloves. But Ryukishi, as you said, wants it to be a cat box.
Well yes, technically a lot of things COULD be done in any fictional universe, but to a certain degree we also have to accept that this was not the way the author intended, so it didn't happen that way.
Also, why would the police take DNA samples if all but one survivor are dead, and said survivor doesn't seem to tell the story of a murder case. DNA sampling in the 80s would have been quite expensive and not very refined yet.
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