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Old 2015-05-29, 18:20   Link #7
Draco Spirit
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Well that episode just sent The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan up in my personal rankings. I'm seriously giving the writer a big thumbs up!

First we get Ryoko's little daydream, which is really cute and work really well because it's so believable.

Then we get the less wild real version where Yuki holds his robe instead of his hand (She's so why!)

Then we get some general Ryoko and Haruhi messing around, which is fun but the Haruhi/Kyon fanboy in me is disappointed that Haruhi seems to be giving Yuki a freepass, but anyway...

We then get the adorable star gazing scene in when Kyon man's up and takes Yuki hand.

So after all this adorablity we get a nice after credit scene with Ryoko giving Yuki romantic advice and setting up the next episode by... BAM CAR RUNS YUKI OVER!!!!!!!!!

Cuteness is good, soft relaxing romance is good, gentle humor is good, but doing all that then hitting the MC with a car is brilliant, because your not really expecting it and your heavily emotional invested in the cast.

On another subject, I think I likely be Asahina at that stargazing scene!
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