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Old 2015-05-31, 10:41   Link #18
Patriot's Blade
its Ghost Madoka time!!!
Join Date: May 2009
Location: brunei darusalam
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& i thought the getting ran over by a car trope was lampshaded in Minami-ke! involving a tv drama series about a romance between a certain teacher & his student (Sensei & Ninomiya-kun), cue the doctor's reaction as he watches in horror as his mentally handicapped teacher-student lovers patients about to get road killed for a 3rd time (2nd time for each of them) "what!? NOT AGAIN!!" (wait, did they got ran over by the exact same car?) & them getting hit was because he tried to save them
"legends said that Alto Saotome made a correct decision, he left both Ranka Lee & Sheryl Nome to marry the skies & proceed to make love with her, it was a long sight to behold according to the witnesses, the sky is now pregnant"

Last edited by Patriot's Blade; 2015-05-31 at 10:58.
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