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Old 2015-06-01, 19:49   Link #35189
Megumi Kitagawa
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2014
I'm reading through the manga and some parts of the EP8 VN, but I'm lost on a few technical issues.

1) Battler received no damaging effects from Featherine's cats because, apparently, they can't interfere with Battler's tale. But didn't Lambdadelta interfere with the tale by attacking Bernkastel, who shares the game master title in EP8? And even if Lambdadelta gets counted as being part of the tale, why would Featherine be allowed to kill her and yet her cats not be able to do anything against Battler? Is it simply a "it's Featherine" thing along with her backing down, so Battler and Ange could actually win in the end without it looking that ridiculous?

2) Featherine says that only game masters can weave tales on their game board, but the characters are well outside of Battler's territory, so why would the game board extend all of the way to the City of Books? The games seem to just be set on Rokkenjima in this Episode, so I'm confused on that part.

3) And that leads me into this question (which may sound stupid ): the characters are the meta versions when they're in the City of Books, right? And during the party as well? Because the transition seems a bit foggy with them escaping to the Golden Land and then going to the City of Books. The use of "game board" that I asked about in the first question and its extension to the City of Books that I asked about in the second question throws me off since it kind of introduces the possibility that EP8 is just one big game written by someone.

I guess these might be minor issues to think about, but I notice small things a lot of the time.
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