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Old 2015-06-06, 18:38   Link #44
Cake Decorator
Join Date: Jun 2015
'tis fine by me

I understand both sides of the argument here.
I have read/reading the LN (and thankful that another translator other than Zero is working on it) and have watched all episodes of the anime. The anime has taken a slight detour from the LN as of late, but since Ishibumi himself is helping in the writing of the anime, I will trust in him to tell the story. (since it is his story that is being displayed, and he is aiding in the display of it)
Even though it seems that the story(anime) has taken a turn away from the LN, I am enjoying it. Yes, I did have a jaw drop and a WTF moment with the whole "Issei doppelganger" kidnap thing, but, I am still hooked.
I am one of the few who don't mind if the visual media story is not exactly like the printed word story.
That's just my take, do not take it as gospel
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