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Old 2015-06-07, 06:44   Link #11324
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Originally Posted by seangel92 View Post
I wouldn't like Akihito like MC. He can't get "mana" because his body is from another world like Nanahoshi, so, what he can do is very limited (1hit = RIP). If Akihito is the mc, I would like that he get a power like Rudeus or something that make him capable of fight the Seven World Powers like Rudeus.
Frodo Bagins in LoTR is not sthe strongest man in the party but he is the MC anyway. He was surrounded by god like people like Gandalf the Maiar who is at the same power level as Sauron himself, OP Legolas and Gimli, and Princes from Anor, Gondor and Rohan, and some of his merry friend.

Do Akihito need to be OP? No, the main enemy is Hitogami and he can't see people who deffy that world law like orsted, repeating miko and probably nanahosi and Akihito himself.

I can see the new WN look like Hitogami sned wave after wave uber stronk enemies from day one just to be foiled by "unseen factor". Theres no need for MC to level his own fighting skill, since Rudy already prepare uber level allies for him and notes on how to deal with them on his secret note book written in strange character and language which you can expect to find sentences like "if you tried to hit the blue haired loli, I'LL FUKIN KILL YOU, EVEN IF I DEAD" or something like that.
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