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Old 2015-07-02, 01:35   Link #3
Join Date: Jul 2014
And here, we see yet another failure from Blackbeard crew.
If they are the failsome oppurtunists as Oda almost always portray them to be, how did these guys manage to stay as a Yonkou more than a year without getting killed by random NW target?

I wanted to believe author is trying to swap away from generic "Weak looking disguised villain suddenly slays all-powerful looking confident-god good guy." theme but this is getting too much...I cant take Burgess seriously after this anymore. Seems like Blackbeard is still the only proven threat in crew BB. Either that or Oda is still not feeling too confident with Blackbeards having such a huge power-up all of a sudden, he is trying to level them up along with Strawhats as their plain opposite characters but bringing them rookies Yonkou rank proves the very opposite instead.

I mean sorry Sabo but rather than your bro drama, I'd choose a so-far-side-villain rise a bit. You are making it look like they are all bark and no bite. Hopefully in next chapter we will see Blackbeard getting scolded by some rabbit costume wearing granny.

Last edited by Kaz_; 2015-07-02 at 01:48.
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