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Old 2015-07-08, 05:54   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 793 [manga]

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Credit goes to AP's Redon and Aohige for the spoilers:

-Chapter title is "Tiger and Dog". Splash page features Usopp and Chopper.

-King Riku tells Fujitora to raise his head, but the admiral doesn't mind being seen in a shameful position. After all, what right do the marines have to preach about justice when they allow pirates to have so much power over a kingdom? And ironically, it was also pirates who saved the kingdom in the end, along with the help of the gladiators and citizens. Meanwhile, Kyros disbands the group of Tontatta warriors he led, and King Riku intends to shelter Luffy and co. for the time being.

-We then shift focus to the holy land of Mariejois, where Fleet Admiral Sakazuki (aka Akainu) has a heated argument with the Gorousei (or Five Elder Stars). As it turns out, the elders were the ones who ordered to have the false news of Dofla's abdication and quitting the shichibukai spread in the papers. As angered as Akainu is that the marines were played for saps, the elders say they're not concerned about the marines (even going as far as calling Akainu a brat), as this was an operation handled by CP0. Akainu thinks that the elders are puppets to the world nobles, but in return the elders blame him for the fact that Kuzan (aka Aokiji) partnered with Blackbeard. However, Akainu says he's not concerned with that idiot who left the marines of his own volition. Suddenly, another marine bursts into the room, reporting about the downfall of Doflamingo by the Luffy/Law alliance's hands. And what's more, that's not the only big piece of news to report....

-Elsewhere in the New World, one of the nations that Doflamingo supplied arms to is forced to surrender in a war. Various pirates and brokers want to loot Dressrosa of its weapons since they already paid Dofla for them, but they have second thoughts since an admiral is still on standby there. The enraged brokers then stomp and curse at the wanted posters of Luffy and Law, as it's thanks to them that they can't get a hold of any more SMILES. At another part of the ocean, VA Tsuru and Garp (who isn't actually shown) talk about Doflamingo's downfall, as well. Turns out it was originally under Garp's orders that Tsuru chased down Dofla in the past. We then get various glimpses of some of the fellow supernovas in the New World: Jewelry Bonney reads about the Dressrosa incident while in the middle of eating pizza, a wounded Urouge is at a sky island when a stranger comes up to him, and Capone also learns of the news at Dressrosa, and refers to Luffy and Law as his allies (or "nakama"). He then says it's time to bring back Caesar. Finally, we see Kid's alliance, who are dining when they learn the news. They figure that the Luffy/Law alliance is after Kaidou since he's connected to Doflamingo. Killer says it's good that their targets didn't overlap, as Kids' alliance is after none other than..... Red Haired Shanks!!!

-At another NW island, X Drake tells his crew about his past. As it turns out, Doflamingo killed his father Diez Barrels, but he holds no grudge against him for that. However, the crew are more concerned about the current news of Dofla's downfall, as that means their supply of SMILES are cut, and they go looking for their master, Kaidou. Meanwhile, Akainu contacts Fujitora, yelling at him for the stunt he pulled. When asked why he didn't report to his superiors first, Isshou tells him that the news would simply have been covered up. The admiral then recalls what Smoker told him about Alabasta. It would have turned into another Dressrosa if not for the Straw-Hats, but the marines took the credit in the end, which Smoker regrets. Back in the current time, Smoker is recovering from his injuries from the last arc, and Tashigi checks up on him. He says that even if he were an admiral, he wouldn't have been able to pull off what Fujitora did, and is grateful to him for that. As the kids from Punk Hazard visit Smoker in the infirmary, Tashigi tells them it will be a few more days until they reach Dr. Vegapunk....

-Back at Dressrosa, Fuji and Akainu continue their argument. Akainu admits to wanting to cover up the incident, but Fujitora says that he will not be paraded as a hero for a lie, and the WG needs to take responsibility for their actions. After the two argue some more, Sakazuki finally says that Isshou is prohibited from returning to any marine base, unless it's to deliver the heads of Trafalgar and Straw-Hat. Isshou replies that that's the way he prefers it to be...!!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2015-07-09 at 01:44.
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