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Old 2015-07-16, 09:37   Link #460
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
I'd personally have Okada do Macross, as her writing style I think fits that better. She can absolutely go ham on romantic triangles, and it isn't her first idol show. Like I've always imagined the premise of Macross to be Music, Melodrama, and Mechas, and for me she has shown she can do all three well.

Yeah speaking of Mechas, say whatever you want of Evol, but at least it was entertaining for its run. Logos is currently boring me to tears, and it doesn't have enough 'campiness' that made the original Aquarion fun. Evol in that regards stays true to the original, and Logos is only keeping me watching solely due to Sakura Ayane.

Sure, Okada has recently been a miss for me. The latest graffiti show was pretty much SoL moe, M3 tried to be horror but I'm put to sleep of the genre, and Wixoss was pretty much Madoka-lite (and I never liked Madoka for obvious reasons). So honestly, I have no frigging clue how Okada got the job, but hey, after AGE, Recognista in G, and Build Fighters, I'd take ANY change to Gundam.

As for how well she'll do, I'm just hopeful she'll be able to mimic Blast of Tempest. Sure that was based on a source, and this Gundam will be original, but if she is able to mimic all the protagonist and the faction conflict there, I'm sure she'd do well in Gundam.

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