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Old 2015-07-19, 04:52   Link #5
Draco Spirit
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2013
Overall a rather enjoyable series.

For the most part it was cute none offensive romance with a comic flavour. The sort of thing that's meant to be watched with a hot cup of coco and a blanket around you.

Except that's not the full story.

It also did very good and touching drama now and again, with the Disappearance Arc standing out for it's stronger focus on drama, as well as excellent director work.

It's big weakness is that it's a very different show from the original material, but you really need to watch the original to get everything.... reducing the number of people who will really enjoy it.

Overall a 8/10 and a show to rec to people who like things like Tordora and Golden Time.
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