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Old 2015-08-07, 06:38   Link #57318
Lumine Passio
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Age: 18
How to keep the coherence of a particle beam? We all know that the more active the nucleus and electrons are, the faster they dissipate. The central idea is that a mysterious field surround the beam - like a tube. But what sustain the field? The plasma itself?

... Maybe that is the problem people may first encountered when making these. Imagine first generation particle weapons consist of a ceramic tube connect to a generator. A good anti-armor tool, provide that you can attach the tube to the tank and keep it in place.

Anyway, has anyone here thought about an OC modeled after McNamara? An entrepreneur-turned-IS legislator?

Imagine him fuss over the standardization of IS force.
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