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Old 2015-08-07, 08:27   Link #57319
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by Fireminer View Post
How to keep the coherence of a particle beam? We all know that the more active the nucleus and electrons are, the faster they dissipate. The central idea is that a mysterious field surround the beam - like a tube. But what sustain the field? The plasma itself?
- Was goign to point to a link but forgot that your net is probbaly banned form American sites, so:

Taken from and I quote:
Originally Posted by FAS.ORG
A Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) weapon produces a beam of near-light-speed-neutral atomic particles by subjecting hydrogen or deuterium gas to an enormous electrical charge. The electrical charge produces negatively charged ions that are accelerated through a long vacuum tunnel by an electrical potential in the hundreds-of-megavolt range. At the end of the tunnel, electrons are stripped from the negative ions, forming the high-speed neutral atomic particles that are the neutral particle beam. The NPB delivers its kinetic energy directly into the atomic and subatomic structure of the target, literally heating the target from deep within. Charged particle beams (CPB) can be produced in a similar fashion, but they are easily deflected by the earth's magnetic field and their strong electrical charge causes the CPB to diffuse and break apart uncontrollably. Weapons-class NPBs require energies in the hundreds of millions of electron volts and beam powers in the tens of megawatts. Modern devices have not yet reached this level.

Particle beams are an outgrowth of conventional atomic accelerator technology. Weapons-class particle beams require millions of volts of electrical potential, powerful magnetic fields for beam direction, and long accelerating tunnels. Current technology accelerator devices with these capabilities weigh in the hundreds of tons and require enormous power sources to operate. Composed of neutral atoms, NPBs proceed in a straight line once they have been accelerated and magnetically pointed just before neutralization in the accelerator. An invisible beam of neutrally charged atoms is also remarkably difficult to sense, complicating the problem of beam control and direction.
In short: Neutral-charge particle beams work more like a microwave oven than a death ray. Charge Particle beams are more like the beam weapons we normally think of but are still nto practical.

... Maybe that is the problem people may first encountered when making these. Imagine first generation particle weapons consist of a ceramic tube connect to a generator. A good anti-armor tool, provide that you can attach the tube to the tank and keep it in place.
- Unfortunately not as good as you would think. Current Particla Beam weapons can fry circuitry on missiles et al but require a lot of time to do notable damage to armor.

Anyway, has anyone here thought about an OC modeled after McNamara? An entrepreneur-turned-IS legislator?
- No, but a lot of the obstructive beaureaucrats you'll see in my fics are based on real government employees I've had the misfortune to deal with back when I was living in the Philippines.

Don't try too hard to model a character on a public person whom you don't know well. It's like making a caricature of a caricature--you're basing your character on a public image (and criticisms of that public image)
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