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Old 2015-08-30, 16:03   Link #21
Random Wanderer
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Nobody is "just" anything. Or everybody is just themselves. There are depths that have been hinted at for every one of these characters.

Saying 'there are Elves in this world, but we won't tell you much about them until the goth-loli has molested Itami' is pretty much saying that the distinctive communities of this world don't matter.
This interpretation is baffling. Those things have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. They haven't explored the details of the Elven communities because it simply isn't time to explore them yet.
Your dismissal of Rory because of her sexual behavior displays an ingrained cultural prudishness on your part. It might surprise you to learn that not all cultures, both in the modern world, and throughout history, have upheld that view of sex. And Rory, as a being who has not only outlived the rise and fall of entire cultures, but who very distinctly exists outside of cultural mores and limitations of behavior, is not bound by our preconceptions on when and how people should engage in sexual activity. That does not make her a "slut;" assuming she would care if you tried calling her one (I doubt the term would make much sense to her even if you tried to explain it). It is simply a part of who she is: a level of maturity and decisiveness in her dealings with someone she is interested in that the other girls do not display. It is simply one more facet of her character, and simply because it is happening now does not mean that the author thinks that everything that comes after this point in the story is somehow "less important" than it. That idea is ridiculous. Events in a story happen when they are meant to happen; when it makes sense for them to happen. This isn't a newspaper: the events on the front page are not the most significant events going on, nor are the events on the last page the least.
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