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Old 2015-09-02, 03:38   Link #2705
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Originally Posted by mironicus View Post
The Haganai-Harem is like this:
Kodaka's own wish: Please have fun, please play together, but don't come any closer to me!
A place where they all can be happy with the silent agreement that no one should make a move on him.

Sena confessed and he ran away and didn't came back on his own. Rika had to blackmail him to come back. So is there any desire in him to bond with other people? No! Absolutely not.

Rika had to fight with him and to insist to become his friend.
Yukimura also had to fight and to insist to date him.

These were not his own choices. At the end these relationships broke (going back being clubmates again), and Kodaka himself don't make any attempts to recover a relationship, he easily cut ties.

And now the story ended with this status and the author tells us in the afterword that he always had this ending in mind. He can't be serious!
This is pretty much my main gripe about how Boku wa Tomodachi ended. The whole friendship ending, while completely lackluster and unsatisfying, at least makes sense given the theme of this series. But the way Kodaka went about his goal of trying to maintain the club's status quo leaves a whole lot to be desired.

He wanted the club to stay perfectly intact by keeping romance out of its fellow members? That's fine: retarded but fine. Then why didn't he ever express this desire to Sena & reject her when she had first confessed, instead of being such a coward by postponing his answer, then never again addressing her confession until Sena hears which girl he had "chosen" via Yukimura's announcement of them going out?

Same thing with Yukimura. Despite his constant resistance to any in-club romance, Kodaka threw it all away & simply caved into Yukimura's strong-armed advances at the end (purely due to teenage hormones & despite the fact that his romantic inclinations had leaned towards Rika at the time), even though that could have potentially destroyed the club whether Yukimura had resigned or not; the outcome he had feared the most.

And lo and behold, his going out with another girl hadn't even affect the relationships between the other Neighbor Club members in the slightest. So all this time, Kodaka had basically been cock-blocking himself for nothing.

Works: Final Fantasy IV, To Love-Ru Darkness, School Days, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
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