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Old 2015-09-05, 04:29   Link #28
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Originally Posted by Random Wanderer View Post
Tuka has already played a part in the story, and continues to do so. It has merely not focused on her. That is not bad writing. In fact I would argue that focusing on every character you introduce immediately to the exclusion of everything else would actually be bad writing. Tuka is quietly and subtely showing her character in ways that will pay off over time. These are ways that require time to be effective: if she'd simply showed up and we'd jumped right into everything with her it would have come off as contrived, and not particularly effective in reaching people's emotions.
The lack of background for Tuka and her village, rather than lack of focus on Tuka herself, was my primary complaint (more Tuka screentime would've been nice though).

Tuka's plotline certainly is taking a little time to set up, that's good. And completely different from Rory, whose screentime so far doesn't seem to be leading up to any deep character development. Yes, Rory's getting closer to Itami, but that's natural enough, and nothing as psychological or sympathetic as Tuka's development. That's why I prefer Tuka out of the other characters, and think Rory's introduction could have been much more happily moved back.
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