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Old 2006-05-20, 05:39   Link #76
Just call me Ojisan
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: U.K. Hampshire
Poll now open! Now's your chance to vote for your favourite School Rumble Faction.

This is a multiple choice poll and while we won’t restrict you from voting for every Faction, please try to limit your choice to your top 3 or 4 picks if you can (or at least one from each group). If you are undecided and want to vote for all of them, then so be it, but if you can narrow it down a bit, then that’s even better. If you like one pairing the most, then don’t feel the need to vote for anymore.

Please remember that once you make your vote you may not "come back" later to add or change your previous vote(s). So make sure you know all the factions you want to include in your vote before you click the "Vote Now" button.

And of course the vote is public, so your votes will be visible.

Thread Rules
  • No campaigning for votes.
    What this means is don't post something like this:

    "VOTE FOR KIDS MEAL!!!" Or…"Yakumo >>>>> Tenma" Or… "DO NOT VOTE FOR HARIMA x ERI!!!!111 "

    Any post with "Vote for…/Do not vote for..." verbiage will be deleted. Discuss why you do or don’t like characters or factions without campaigning for votes.

  • Do not insult or harass other members for their choices.
    Please remember: this is for fun. Do not take it so seriously that you end up in an argument with another forum member because they express a fondness for a faction you loathe. Discussion and good spirited banter is always welcome, but harassing people won’t be tolerated.

  • Have fun, but post intelligently.
    It’s great to have fun, but please try your best to add substance to what you post and make your thoughts interesting for the generation of fans that will follow after you’re long gone and on to watching some other series.

Thanks to Catgirls for the thread template!

Note: The poll now only includes the Kids Meal faction (before I was considering calling this the Kids Meal / Monkey faction). Since the Monkey faction is essentially a "sitting on the fence" faction, this it can be represented by people either voting for all the appropriate Harima pairings or none of them A vote for Kids Meal is specifically a threesome combination.
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