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Old 2015-10-05, 03:44   Link #177
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by DerGilga View Post
and the very Japanese StarWars...
- It IS Japanese Star Wars. Bandai can only license their Star Wars kits within Japan, because a certain company asked Disney to prohibit them.

Back on-topic: That actually got me to thinking, since Kancolle characters are anthromorphized versions of actual battleships et al, how does licensing work for them? Obviously different companies in Japan have licenses for statues, action figures, etc. But does this also affect licensing for the actual ships they represent? EG if a model company like Revell had the rights to produce a particular battleship (for example, Ise) for the Southeast Asian market and another company produced the Kancolle Ise character as a kit to sell in the same market, can the other company ask to have those products removed?

I know it's not the same thing (ship as opposed to Kanmusu) but this has happened before (Harmony Gold suing Hasbro for puttign out a Jetfire toy--US Transformers fans will know what I'm talkign about)
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