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Old 2015-10-18, 13:48   Link #81
Join Date: Dec 2006
Age: 38
Originally Posted by frubam View Post
I thought it was stupid of Orga to have a shady guy like that join. Yeah, I guess you're right in that his presence offers a sinister angle to the group that will more-than-likely be explored at some point, but its almost TOO obvious that he'll betray the group at some point when it is to his advantage(unless he's there as a red herring and its actually the blond guy who will betray everyone).
His words carry more than a kernel of truth though. It's simply fact that Tekkadan needs money. Orga giving his previous slave drivers a chance to join under the new leadership was basically an indoctrination process to their ideology, which tilts toward survival by any means. Hitler-kun represents the id, while the idiots that got killed were the ego, quite literally at that. He's even smarter than the guys who chose to leave the group, because he didn't know for sure whether Orga was gonna kill them afterwards because of security or financial reasons. Choosing to stay and obey the new masters in order to survive makes the guy an almost perfect fit for the group.

Right now, I see him being a useful advisor to Orga. When he said he wanted the boss to sell Kudelia, everybody was like "wait, that actually makes sense." Him being the id of the group, he says these things out loud, while others are maybe too afraid to even think about them, having already fraternized with Kudelia. In short, dastardly characters that can think like that are sometimes valuable to have around.

That being said, call me an optimist, but I don't think he's going to "betray" them, not unless he sees the Tekkadan ship start sinking. Even then, there are opportunities to develop him into a more compassionate character. Whatever the case, he's still a tossup. But I am worried he won't be around for too long because on the official website he's not listed as a major character.

By the way, has his name been mentioned already?
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