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Old 2015-10-26, 12:05   Link #553
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Whatever the reason may be, Fate/Halloween Night doesn't appear to have gained the level of support or interest that Santa Magica did. Given that this fanfic involves real-life people as characters, with those same people being readers of this fanfic, this leaves me feeling uncomfortable with the idea of just pressing on in spite of lack of ongoing feedback. I mean, my feeling is that this sort of fanfic really does call for a certain degree of ongoing back-and-forth between the fanfic writer and the fanfic readers.

I take full responsibility for this, and am trying to determine what might be causing this fanfic to not be as well-received (overall) as Santa Magica was. My heart is certainly no longer into this fanfic as much as it was into Santa Magica during the midpoints of Santa Magica.

Though I had hoped to finish Fate/Halloween Night by October 31st, for fairly obvious reasons, that is highly unlikely now. At least this fanfic isn't as inherently Halloween-based as Santa Magica was
Christmas-based, as Santa Magica had the idea of "saving Christmas" as a major plot point (the issues in F/HN are not ones that tied into Halloween itself). So perhaps it's Ok if this fanfic isn't finished until sometime in November.

If any of the readers feel differently, and strongly think it should be finished by this coming Saturday night, I'm open to the idea, so feel free to share it here if you want. However, my current plan is to put this fanfic on a (hopefully) short hiatus until either interest in it picks back up, or I just decide that it's time to get back to it anyway.

Perhaps readers are simply more busy this October than they were this past December. Perhaps it's just a timing issue, and if so, maybe that will get better later on. But if there are more basic content or quality issues that readers are seeing in Fate/Halloween Night, then please don't hold back criticism of that sort. I definitely want to understand why this fanfic isn't being as well-received as Santa Magica, and if that involves content/quality issues, I want to know that.

In any event, thanks to everyone for the reviews that have already been provided. Thanks to Haak and Darthtabby and Akuma Kinimoto for keeping up with one or both of the last two chapters. And thanks to iSAW for her reply, which I'll get to below.

Originally Posted by iSuckAtWriting View Post

But even with this story being a looot darker than your previous one, it was like, you never gave in to fully to Western entertainment! You kept a lot of levity a lot of anime know how to keep (like this one awesome show about a girl in a school superhero club who reminds me of Maki-san!).
That's reassuring to know. I want F/HN to still have a good sense of lighthearted humor, even though it is darker than Santa Magica. I'm glad this overall blend seems to be working well for you.

But then that last chapter does that classic build up thing, going from light to dark until you trapped my friend between two mega...megalo...crazy guys and one insaaaaaane girl! Is it bad I think insane girl looks like Umi-san? Please don't tell her I said that
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