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Old 2015-11-28, 07:59   Link #3635
Join Date: Dec 2014
Huh, this other summary doesn't make it sound like a recap at all, but glimpses of future scenes:



Not much about Madoka in the interview, except they want to do a new work so they're making a concept movie that hints at how they will make a sequel.
Another summary:


- This longs about 4 minutes.
- In first minute, things happen just what we saw in Rebellion. Madoka and Homura talk together about something likes fairy-tales. The image is Madoka performing her ballet, and the Devil clapping her hands at the end of the show.
- Next is like a rush of angry waves.
- Kyouko is exhausting. She’s angry (at?) the cats are being revived by someone’s voice(?).
- Sayaka is able to read witch’s language (the runes), and got captured (as like she was in wraith arc). She (or her dead body?) turns into her witch-form and fights againt the Wraith. Before that, her soul-gem fully got dark.
- It seems Mami and cool-Homura will get another fight.
- This cool-Homura don’t have the earing like what the Devil does. She’s like the normal cool-Homura we’ve known.
- And Nagisa plays a detective game in magical-girl form.

Another information:
- Madoka gets a new magical-girl costume. It’s cute, but exposes her flesh a bit much…
- Super, very cool Mami. She’s like a boss!!

So either the one in Sayaka's Sandbag's post is fake, or it's very inaccurate; the concept movie was basically a trailer for a "potential" (...c'mon, we all know it's coming) sequel, like Triple R theorized.

Last edited by ilcane87; 2015-11-28 at 08:35.
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