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Old 2015-12-06, 10:46   Link #3701
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Originally Posted by Vegard Aune View Post
Great production quality? Sure. High budget? Oh, certainly. Beautiful story? And you claim that people can't disagree with this statement? If that were the case, the past two years' worth of complaining would not have happened. Not to mention you're completely contradicting yourself in that last sentence by saying that apparently this "beautiful" story is something that even people who hate the ending would by necessity have to agree on... If the ending is complete garbage then it's not a good story. And this is not me saying this just because I don't like Rebellion's ending, I mean this as a general thing. It doesn't matter how great the rest of a story is, if the ending can't deliver, then I can not in good conscience call it a good story. In fact, there are few things so utterly destructive to the quality of a story than a bad ending. To take a random example, I remember watching a few episodes of the anime Usagi Drop a few years back... then I learned how the manga to that series ends. And just knowing where the story would ultimately lead, the series was completely ruined to me and I could never look at it the same way again.
Many people like rebellion's ending and see it as perfect conclusion (usually people who know all references to different stuff in the movie). No one said that it's going to satisfy everyone, Urobuchi even said opposite thing long ago before premier: it will divide the fanbase.
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