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Old 2016-01-08, 14:35   Link #348
Swordsman Extraordinaire
Join Date: Aug 2008
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
I'd LOVE for the Crossbell saga to come overseas (Ao is pretty much my favorite Kiseki game ever), but the fact that Xseed already skipped it to release Sen/CS instead already shows that they don't consider it very high-priority at the moment. And I believe those guys already have CS2 and TiTS the 3rd in their work schedule, so I doubt we'll be hearing any news of a potential localization of the Crossbell games anytime soon....

....Though on the plus side, there's a fan translation of Zero currently in the works! In fact, the project is slated to be done by December of this year (not set in stone though), with the same group working on an Ao translation afterwards. Hopefully, this will whet our appetites if Xseed can't deliver!
It's not that they don't consider it high priority, it's the issue that Ao does not have a Japanese PC version so they can't work with it. I'm not sure if they can work with the Chinese version too.

Anyways, Falcom requested them to work on Cold Steel I and II instead as well. Hopefully the sales are positive enough that they can bring over Zero/Ao and TC as well.

The fan translation isn't as good as XSEED's. Unfortunately i'll skip that as I really prefer XSEED's quality.
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