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Old 2006-05-30, 02:02   Link #6
tsubasa o sagashite
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Originally Posted by Yaoi_Pocky
I was at the Geneon industry panel yesterday. The sequence of events were: giveaways, KOTOKO appearance/Q&A, and Geneon trailer disc.

The Geneon trailer disc was not fully shown due to difficulties with the DVD player, but this is the table of contents - note that everything on the trailer disc has been previously announced as licensed:

Clip 1: Ishida Yoko concert (featuring a ParaPara remix of Cruel Angel's Thesis)
Clip 2: Strawberry Marshmallow (aka Ichigo Mashimaro)
Clip 3: (not shown, perhaps...? I really don't remember, I believe it was Erementar Gerad - it was definitely NOT the preview to the 2004 KOTOKO concert tour DVD)
Clip 4: The Law of Ueki
Clip 5 (not shown due to insufficient time): Saiyuki Reload Gunlock

If they have a license up their sleeves, they would have licensed it at the panel and hyped it up. But it doesn't seem to be the case for this panel. In fact, I don't think I've even heard of Baldr Force EXE Resolution until you have mentioned it on your post. Unless Geneon decided to be sneaky about their licenses this year...
The fact that you haven't even heard of it is probably because it's not even out in Japan yet. The release of the first episode got delayed from end of April to July. Someone who went said what they showed fit the description I gave of the promo disc you got when you ordered the Baldr Force EXE PS2 reduced price version, so I had assumed it was on the trailer disc. Maybe it showed up elsewhere? Anyway, we'll be able to find out during AX.
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