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Old 2016-02-02, 03:05   Link #4
Unleashing the Homu-Rage
Join Date: Apr 2010
OK, I am only watching two things thus far but here we go:

Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There! Season 2
Comments: The second season has thus far followed the manga pretty closely, featuring all of the major scenes in the manga, and didn't shy away from the darker aspects of the manga. I will, however, say, that I still prefer most of the manga designs to those of the anime. Still, good start to the season,
Comments: Akuma Kinomoto Style! (also, in before Akuma this time!): Zorzal is the new Joffrey; Don't fuck with Shino; Wascally Wabbit plotting the downfall of the empire; Nice Senate, Empire... it would be a shame if something happened to it... *cue sounds of bombs falling*; Fuck your dragons, I still have a rocket launcher!
Score (thus far): 8 punches to the face of a tyrant out of 10

Boku Dake Inai Machi (or however you spell it)/Erased
Comment: This one is shaping up to be my best of season, an engaging mystery, with gripping drama that hooks you and won't let go, with a cast of interesting, well written characters including Satoru, Satoru's mom, and Kayo, the girl Satoru intends to save from both her abusive mother and her fate as a murder victim. The internal monologues of Satoru's 28-year old mind in a ten-year old body provide depth to his character and a second angle on the story, while the plot takes you on an emotional roller coaster between heartbreaking (and potentially righteous fury-inducing) scenes of Kayo's abuse at the hands of her abusive mother, and heartwarming scenes of Satoru gaining an affection towards the girl he pledges to save.
Comments: Akuma Kinomoto Style!Them feels; Save more than one innocent life; (to the tune of South Park Movie: Kyle's mom's a bitch) Kayo's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!; (to the tune of Stacy's mom) Kayo's mom, she has it coming on... I know it's wrong, but I'll fucking kill Kayo's mom!; Seriously, someone snuff that abusive bitch!
Rating: 10 ways I'd like to kill Kayo's abusive bitch of a mother out of ten.
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