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Old 2016-02-22, 04:08   Link #504
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: San Diego
Originally Posted by Tempester View Post
It really helps if you avoid the obvious ones like the LN battle harems that all have the same premise.
I mean the ones like... Grisaia,for example. I watched only first season, and played only the first game. The story is very good, but it's too much fanservice, especially in first episodes. I mean... seriously, there are situations when showing panties is funny, but sometimes it's really unnecessary.

Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero View Post
^Basically too much overexposure bad for you, for example look at how people nowadays react anytime they see the synopsis for an anime, how many times have you rolled your eyes anytime you see one that you just know is going to be the generic anime of the season? (Heck sometimes there's more than one).

The anime industry is doing harm to itself while the audience gets tired of seeing the same stuff ad nauseum, which ends with a lot of fans just valuing different things in the anime they watch but since there is too much stagnation the fans just stop watching or don't watch as many anime as they used to even to the point where they just won't watch some genres due to feeling like it's never going to evolve or do anything different.
And I don't like how anime,based on manga,is made. Some of them are still pretty good-Akame ga Kill, Prison School( I know,that I mentioned before,that I don't like too much fanservice, but this series is something special),D-Frag... But some are I mean such as Tokyo Ghoul,Gokukoku no Brynhildr.

Last edited by Flower; 2016-02-22 at 04:21. Reason: Please do not double post ... just use the edit button. :)
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