Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll God Eater
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Old 2016-03-05, 15:05   Link #635
Yamada II
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Pakistan
Age: 28
Episode 10
And we're back. I like how ufotable turned a 13 episode show into a split cour.

So we get info on Lenka. He was abandoned as a baby and a family who was denied entry into Fenrir picked him up and adopted him. Lenka grew up with them, not knowing that he was adopted. And his onee-chan was cute. Iroha was cute both when young and when grown up. It's a shame she had to die.

While searching for medicine, they get attacked by aragami and Lindow comes to the rescue of Iroha and Lenka.

Lenka got infected by the same disease his mom and those around them were infected by. They did the god eater test on Lenka and he turned positive. The mother said that he has a future now and should live on. Since they aren't related to Lenka by blood, they can't enter Fenrir with him which means that the family would inevitably split. The family then decided to at the very least, let Lenka live on since he can become a god eater and at least protect them, provided they live on and also because Lenka can now be of use to the world unlike them who tested negative.

Lenka went through quite the crap. His family died for his sake and they weren't even his blood relatives. So he is carrying on their wishes by living on and becoming a god eater.

This was all to give reason to Lenka and his "I'll kill aragami" thing. His family died at the hands of the harsh outside aragami filled world. Everything is because of those aragami so neko them.

And Lenka not liking those tested negative to be denied entry into Fenrir gets strength here – if they would allow them to enter Lenka's family wouldn't have died.

Now we will move on to the operation. Lenka got his weapon back again and can now fight. This operation won't be a nice experience for them though.
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