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Old 2006-06-04, 03:00   Link #264
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Asia Pacific
Originally Posted by mangafanatic
Wow, the piano piece at the end simply made the scene/episode. Despite the fact that so little happened, as far as story development is concerned, this was one incredible episode. So, concerning the piano music in the last scene, could anyone tell if it was a variation on another piece which has been featured in the show, or is it new all together? Any ideas on what the name of it was? *Wants the sheet music. Badly.*
i love the piano piece as well! lol. it doesn't sound like it's been featured before and i have no idea what it's called, for that matter. i'm definitely going to transcribe it when i'm freer (exam period now). btw, is there going to be a release of the soundtrack from the anime?
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