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Old 2016-03-16, 22:25   Link #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Spiderfab, Expandable stations and Reusable rockets could
make affordable Bezos vision of millions working in orbit:

" and Blue Origin CEO Jeff Bezos envisions “millions” of
people living in orbit as his exploration company, Blue Origin, and
other commercial ventures develop spacecraft to make travel more
widely available.

Investment from wealthy entrepreneurs with a passion for space will
usher in a new era that makes leaving the Earth’s atmosphere
accessible to anyone, Bezos said Tuesday.

Earlier, he announced that Blue Origin will put $200 million into a new
rocket assembly facility and launch site in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

"Our ultimate vision is millions of people living and working in space,"
Bezos said during a rare, 30-minute interview in Florida with reporters
after the Blue Origin announcement.

"We have a long way to go.""

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