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Old 2016-03-21, 08:39   Link #560
Blackbeard D. Kuma
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
I don't really mind a bit of a 'beam struggle.' In the end it's not like Luffy is really going to use the King Kong Gun to beat whoever he's up against next. Be it Kaido, Big Mom, or whoever. So not like we're going to have an issue of "how could this move struggle to beat the next villain when it struggled to beat someone that Doflamingo wouldn't fight." Might as well play up the fight for the sake of the struggle. I think it'd lack something in the moment anyways if it was such a quick boom and done. Piss off Luffy that much, might as well let that last shot last for a bit.
The problem here is that the anime-only viewers get the wrong perception. In the anime, they made it seem like Doffy could give G4 Luffy a run for his money when that couldn't be further from the truth. There didn't need to be any more of a struggle since the whole arc in itself already has been one (and a very long one at that). As usual, Toei's padding creates problems concerning the strength of characters. An extreme example is when they made Luffy struggle against Hody Jones. Complete BS.
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