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Old 2016-04-29, 15:13   Link #1220
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Eisdrache View Post
A couple of my friends overseas are math profs (one university, the other highschool) in the US who occasionally also teach lower grades. From what they tell me the average US math level is quite terrible. Not so much in university anymore but it happens there too.

I don't know how good or bad other subjects are but is the American youth generally considered well educated?
Our education system is mediocre when ranked against other developed nations. I'm not sure what level of math your friends are referring to. My point is less about math as a broader subject and more about financial literacy. Millions of teenagers took out loans they had no reason to expect to be able to pay back because the government all but guarantees approval, and because American culture has fetishized college degrees and white collar jobs.

Meanwhile, I own a property development company and all of my subcontractors are immigrants making six figures plus because they don't have this snobbish (and totally misguided) disdain for blue collar work. I think vocational schools should be more properly funded and encouraged as a sensible option for finding a career.
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