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Old 2016-05-02, 21:33   Link #11
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Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Alright, fixed the summary a tad now that the chapter's out. Rather interesting that Big Mom seems to have a sort of "Alice in Wonderland" theme going on, what with the tea parties and even having a talking door on her ship. I'm also liking Capone's crew more and more, as well. That Gotti guy's design actually reminds me a bit of Zephyr from Film Z (big, older guy with a metal arm). Hope we get to see more notable members of the Fire Tank pirates....
Ya i'm particualrly loving Vito right now what with him totally geeking out over a manga ... not to mention one thing i could help but notice is how he reacted to Sanji's marriage. He looks like the kind of scumbag who would love to take advantage of being forced to marry someone sexy, but no he considers forced marriage tragic no matter the circumstances. I like that tiny bit of nuance; its subtle but shows a bit of additional character

I just find it very interesting that the WG would use such a form of propaganda. Maybe Oda will show us some more of that comic some time, be it in the main story or via SBS....?
I'm hoping for a one shot

Originally Posted by Zero-alucard View Post
Actually, regarding that seen with the Lola look alike. When she said "They'll ice father in a blink of an eye", who is she referring to exactly? Capone Bege? If so, does that mean she is part of the Firetank Pirates, not actually Big Mom's crew?
Yes capone is the one that's commonly called father so she is indeed most likely part of his crew. Though one possibility is that capone, or one of his crew, needed to marry into big mom's family to join their crew, so she could still be big mom's daughter

In fact i'm actually fairly certain it is not lola. WE actually did see lola in one of of the cover stories. She still wears the same clothing she did back on thriller bark, she has longer hair/braids, and she's missing a tooth; she was also last scene in water 7, not in the new world. So ya, i got my money on that woman being her twin sister
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