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Old 2016-05-18, 06:51   Link #8
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by judasmartel View Post
To an extent, yes. Many good titles don't have any foreign dubs YET, but of course, some of them never get a foreign dub partly because some sub-only fans do not want anyone to piss on the original Japanese dub.

On the other hand, bad dubs may destroy some chance of that title getting love from the offending dubs' market. Even then, however, it's 50/50. Some bad dubs get grilled, others get love and be glorified as "So Bad It's Good".

For me, bad dubs destroy some chances of me getting to known more about the title, especially if I have never watched the original Japanese dub before. Fortunately, I have a VERY high tolerance for bad dubs, basically if a dub murders my ears over time, I'll drop it, that's it.
I never watch dubs at all but I'm just responding to the question in the op. If we are going by worse, having no dub is logically worse because its likely that it'll never have a dub at all or in the future as its marketability in the international market is unknown or very limited. A bad dub that succeeds can cause a movement for companies to invest in anime so you can more easily get better dubs or even anime more targeted towards foreigners.

Sub only or bust people sound like weebs. I know Japanese seiyuus are the best, but most Normie's don't want to watch something they can't understand.
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