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Old 2016-05-26, 02:31   Link #17619
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Formerly Iwakawa base and Chaldea. Now Teyvat, the Astral Express & the Outpost
Age: 44
Originally Posted by Strigon 13 View Post
To be honest, CV Hime blocked me about 7 to 12 times from completing E-4, throwing at least 3 ships to Taiha in every single try, even with 1 bomber left in her. Because of her I'm unable to continue in the event (she alone depleted my entire baux reserves).
Well, it IS CV-hime. The woes of many veterans who are playing Hard level come not just from the himes but also the motherfucking mooks like late models DD, Ne-class elite or flagship, and all flagship mooks. This means that ANYTHING can send your fleet home. Just because the weather is nice, because Tanaka slipped on a banana peel out of bed, because a dog died in Mexico, because the bus came late, because the servers just dont like us.

Originally Posted by Azurial View Post
i started with 200k+ resources each and about 1240 bucket. now im sitting with 180k+ Fuel,Bullet and Steel 200k+ Bauxite and 1176 buckets i just farm at E-2F node for Akizuki and Teruzuki for a while non drop for me T-T and decide to move to E-3 for the girls that i need such Yahagi, U-511, I-401. which non so far and im not finishing this event cause is not worth for me at least i know the LABS, Medals and Iowa
Just effing clear it, even in Easy, if resources for later LSC is that much of a concern for you* . I know many TTK who wish to have your resources even just for Easy mode.

will be useful but not interested in any of them beside Iowa will be able to construct in LSC in the near future like Yamato etc. just gonna wait for that XD since im a patient type kinda guy XD. will do Yamato and Bismarck also Taihou LSC (cause i dont have them yet :P) to celebrate if Either of the ship i mention drop XD if not back to stockpling again.
What if Iowa was added MUCH later or NEVER? Did you see ANY of the Unryuus, Italians battleships added in LSC even more than 1 or 2 years later? No. So just fucking clear it. Because while you are NOT guaranted to have Yamato, Bismarck or Taihaou in LSC, you have the rare occasion, if not unique, to bring Iowa home. And all it will cost you will be resources and buckets.
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