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Old 2016-05-27, 12:38   Link #17695
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
  • Yamato sisters actually may gave you a false sense of security with high cost. I ended up going to boss node with 2chuha Nagato sisters. Come off a LBA sequence that is far from decent. But as seen it's all RNG in fire exchange and night battle. So less resources consumption per run = more time you can run = more chance RNG Goddess can help you
That's a legit approach, but immediately dismissing the other one is stupid in my books.
Simply put, your approach is that you want to have more runs to ultimately finish the map, but that also means you are throwing your girls against a wall repeatedly until you finally are done with it.

The other approach is fundementally the opposite: it may cost you more to go through the map with Yamato and Musashi, but at the same time, the likelihood they are chuuha/taiha prior the boss node is drastically inferior to the likes of Nagato class and so on. Hell, on the boss node, the probability they are taiha-ed in the first shelling phase is way lower than the other BB, so unless you are very unlucky, chances your Yamato BB are still in chuuha for the second shelling phase stand.

It is a matter of gauging risk VS reward, but calling it a false sense of security is ignorant. It isn't about feeling secure, nor that it is false to begin with: the purpose of such approach is to capitalize every runs instead.

  • Node support is also a sense of false security most of the time. Maybe pre-boss aside. As 3 biggest threat for your fleet pre-boss are: sub (node support won't help), Dyson (node support unlikely will help), and pre-boss elite CA (node support helps). Won't worth sparkling time and resources for only that
That's is even more false than the previous statement. The whole point of the support fleet is not to have a free pass with the regular nodes. Instead, they improve your chance of passing through them with a damage toll inferior to what you could have without them.

Even if you have to retreat from a node, simply concluding that support was pointless is simplistic and not pertinent whatsoever.
Your chances of passing through such nodes are already hazardous, and the point of the support fleet is to -reduce- chances of being toasted by them, except of course the sub node.
And no, the support fleet helps against the dyson node, because it can either damage her (further increasing your chance to put her to chuuha before she fires during the first shelling phase) or reduce the number of trash, which in turn increase the likelihood that your fleet will attack her instead of wasting time on her escort.

In theory, you can just clear that map with just 6 ships in the main fleet, and 3 ships in the escort, which could even further lower your resources consumption (and as a matter of fact, people like the Nishimura admiral and the Maruyu admiral did to some extent), but no one does that, right? That's simply because no one would lower their chances to beat a map unless it is their personal objective.
In practice, you want to lower RNG hazard as much as you want, and support fleet is part of it.

That's why "sense of security" is an absurd nonsense when it comes to Kancolle.

Last edited by Klashikari; 2016-05-27 at 12:49.
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