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Old 2016-06-19, 13:58   Link #52
Lord of Fire
The Voice of Reason
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 47
The reactions from the production team and studio are already quite telling who this movie is actually targeted at, and it's not the fans of the franchise, that much is quite clear.

I know nothing of these ladies, but from what I can see in these trailers, their acting feels forced, to the point where it almost looks like they don't even want to be there, and are solely there to enforce the notion of "whatever a man can do, women can do, too, if not better". And the token black girl is the best example of a racist stereotype one can think of, yet the SJWs embrace her, probably because she's a woman.

And then there's the retarded receptionist. In the original movies, Janine was a capable woman, who stood on her own two feet, didn't take any BS from anyone, and was clearly not "just a woman", or even there to give the male audience a hard-on. This new guy, however, is apparently incompetent on all levels, and seems to be merely there to make the female viewers wet their collective panties.

I find it ironic how the original franchise got a lot of things right in terms of everything feminists see wrong with society today, yet they still felt the need to turn everything upside-down and effectively make things worse. And then they wonder why the long-time fans feel insulted and betrayed.

Lastly, I like how the 30-year-old special effects of the original movies still hold up quite well to the CGI in this movie, though that may (partially) be because said CGI isn't exactly all that impressive.

I wish Hollywood would remake movies that actually need to be remade, rather than reinvent the wheel each and every time. Changing a winning formula is hardly ever a good thing. And yet, I expect this movie to be moderately successful, if only because of the people that are skeptic, yet still end up watching it.
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