Thread: Licensed Girls und Panzer
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Old 2016-06-26, 22:04   Link #9634
Wandering Soul
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: America
Thanks for the responses.

Final Impression of the anime: This was a great series and I loved it.

The characters were endearing and the tank battles were fun. I was curious as to how they would make tank to tank battles entertaining, but after the first mock match they had, I realized I had nothing to worry about. Miho's strategies were a treat to watch and it was nice to see how her opponents weren't exactly slouches when it came to the strategy department either.

The main cast was balanced out with all different sorts of personalities which helped them bounce off of one another well. It also helps that some members such as Hana had their own character arcs.

Only real gripe I had was that I felt that Miho's mother wasn't really needed in the series. I recall a scene where she was talking with Maho and it's implied that she wants to disown Miho, but nothing is really done with that. Miho never finds out so it never really affects her and after Oarai's victory she just lets it go. I guess the scene's purpose was to show how much her mother values their family's creed along with showing that underneath her cold exterior, Maho does worry for her sister. In the end though Miho's mother doesn't really do anything, that Maho doesn't already pretty much do. This is a pretty minor gripe and doesn't really hamper my enjoyment.

Only other grips are pretty much inevitable with this type of series, such as some characters not really getting the spot light, but apparently the OVAs solve this. To GuP's credit it did make the girls easier to remember by putting them in groups with similar interests (such as history enthusiasts, volley ball lovers, etc) and gave them something distance to help them stand out a bit.

I would give a score, but I stuck on whether to award a strong 9, 9.5 or an outright 10.

Last edited by Wandering Soul; 2016-06-27 at 10:57.
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