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Old 2006-06-13, 10:15   Link #37
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by DaFool
So given that we are at the optimum life formation region, it makes sense that perhaps, even after billions of years, we are the most advanced civilization in the galaxy. The aliens we see are the same as us -- time-travelling post-evolved humans. Heck some of them may even be genetic experiments gone wrong.
Assuming (and this is a very questionable assumption) the reports of "alien abductees" are accurate, that would make sense. After all, they report that they're being used in breeding experiments, and the "aliens" are creating hybrids. However, only closely related species can interbreed, and usually the resulting offspring is sterile. The odds of an intelligent lifeform that evolved on another world being geneticly similiar to humans is so remote it's probably safe to say it's impossible. Not to mention the odds of those intelligent beings being so similiar to humans in body shape... So I'd have to agree with you about the "aliens" being evolved, or geneticly altered humans from the future.

Of course I don't personally believe that it's really happening at all, but if it is...

As for whether other intelligent life exists, I believe that it most certainly does. However, I highly doubt there is another civilization or at least no such civilization more advanced than say earily 18th century earth within 50 or so light years from earth. After all, if a civilization within that range has radio, we would have almost certainly detected them. It's possible they've just recently developed it, though, in which case we would be able to detect them soon. Well, unless they were a bit smarter than us and realized that carelessly sending radio signals in every direction might attract unwanted attention.
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