Thread: Crunchyroll Qualidea Code
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Old 2016-08-10, 11:51   Link #345
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Originally Posted by Haak View Post
I think that's a little unfair on Canaria. If you remember, she did actually push Ichiya into visiting that wounded student and she at least motivated him enough to read books on sociability. And whilst it was indirect, it was Ichiya's care for Canaria that eventually spurred him into being a team player. All that nagging eventually paid off.

Hime may be strong enough to be harsher with him but that won't be worth any more than Canaria's nagging if she doesn't use it right and I don't think she was. It seems Hime is committed to maintaining a "professional" attitude to everything even when it's clearly inappropriate and we saw how Ichiya reacted. It didn't have to be that way. Hime was clearly hurt by Canaria's death and there was the perfect opportunity to let that out, connect with Ichiya and show to Ichiya that he's not alone in this. Especially since we can see that Ichiya's apathy and depression is being driven by a perceived sense of isolation. If you want to motivate someone by being harsh with them you'll never get anywhere if you don't first convince them that you sympathise and understand them. Otherwise they'll brush you off the same way Ichiya did then.

Ofcourse, I am also aware that this interpretation of Hime may not be the same as what the show thinks. The episode went to great lengths at "martyrizing" her, which I found a little overbearing and excessive, so whether or not the writers also think she took the wrong approach, I don’t know...

Hime and Ichiya have had one or two moments. If this show was written by Mari Okada then I could see it happening but otherwise I'm not holding my breath. Besides, I'm still not convinced that Canaria is dead.
That´s why I´m afraid they´re going to use Hotaru as a way brake Hime´s mask so she can connect with Ichiya by putting her in the same position he´s in.
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