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Old 2016-08-11, 04:13   Link #18
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Age: 35
Originally Posted by GDB View Post
Normal people vote just like Second Amendment People do. Note he didn't say gun lobbyists, he said Second Amendment People. People who have guns and advocate for the Second Amendment have no more political power than anyone else.

Know what they do have? Guns. And he referenced this after saying there'd be nothing you could do about her selections once she's elected. Unless you have guns, then maybe you can do something, he doesn't know.

If he was just calling on political power, why just call out the Second Amendment People? Why not call on all republicans? Or the GOP's old standby of state rights groups?
I disagree. Normal people vote like Second Amendment people do, but they do not have the same political influence. On the other hand, owning guns is a right that all Americans have, barring a few exceptions.

If he was indeed talking about armed insurrection, then he would have referred specifically to people who own guns (not all people who support the 2nd amendment have guns, and not all people who are against the 2nd amendment don't have guns), or he would have talked about the actual use of 2nd amendment rights.

The reason why he talked about Second Amendment people is, once again, because this is a group with high political influence who are also very passionate about the cause. He could have talked about state rights groups of course, but they aren't as powerful as the Second Amendment groups in terms of pushing for their cause.

In any case, the point is pretty clear. There are multiple valid ways of interpreting Trump's statement, and the media is - rightly or wrongly - jumping on the interpretation that suits their narrative. I fully agree with the point being made earlier that Trump should have been more explicit with his views instead of letting his words get twisted.
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