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Old 2006-06-17, 23:47   Link #39
Kasrkin Squad
For the Emperor
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Paterson NJ
Age: 38
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Originally Posted by Number 48
I believe that right now a massive space warfare is being fought somewhere in the Universe--even on our galaxy. Maybe humans too will be able to join someday--but when that happens--some of our bones probably have turned into dust.
Refering to 40k or just in general?

Originally Posted by Wavie
man thatd be cooooool, i wouldnt wanna kill people or aliens. but id love to be able to fly in space as part of a war - fighting robots maybe lol?
You wouldn't like Warhammer 40k at all. (Well maybe.)

My addition to this thread will be two make that three jokes from George Carlin.

The first one is from his HBO special "Life is Worthlosing." Basically he goes on about things we do. Human scarifice, genocide, canablism, necrofelia, (sp) etc. Once he is done with going over those he ends it with a "And then we wonder why a UFO doesn't just land and say hello."

The second one comes from one of his books. This isn't it exactly but it is still funny and gets the point across. I believe that aliens came down to Earth abducted early man. They then altered our genes to make us just smart enough to create nuclear weapons but dumb enough to not use them correctly. Then they put us back, turned on the TV, and enjoyed the show. Personally I think they are getting their money's worth."

The last one is also from what I remember of it. "If it is true that humans are the only intellegent species in the universe then we can be sure of one thing. The universe aimed low but settled for very little."
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