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Old 2016-09-08, 00:37   Link #307
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Soma's dish IMO was the chef specialty and a true representation of his individuality...Of what we have seen him progress to be. The duel-aspect of his dish...the creative steps he took to achieve on par flavor while not serving a fresher fish...Who puts that dish on the menu, but Soma?

You can order raw fish on a plate all day, who has pickled bran rice saucery soy milk soup?
Well said, Souma indeed made a trademark dish by his own standards; it's controversial, fights against the gourmet cuisine that everyone else seems to love, contains yet another snack (the pickled plums) and still tastes as good as the other dishes. Cooking this way has become his own cooking already, since people have refused to cook the way Souma does.

I'd say the only thing people have is that Hayama poured all of his effort in this one dish...but that's like saying that the other two didn't work just as hard.
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