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Old 2006-06-18, 17:31   Link #29
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: France
Age: 33
Hirano Aya is awesome. That is all.

I knew we could expect great singing, after the classical singing she'd done for Canvas 2, but this was great in a different way. The scene gave out so much energy, along with the so well done animation. And once the song's over, we get to hear such a cute Haruhi. Who would have thought the Mikuru-molester could ever be so damn adorable? Aww, the tone in her voice

The end scene under the tree was also very nice, Haruhi showing even more cuteness. I like the evolution between the two, Haruhi doesn't drag Kyon around by his clothes too often anymore, she takes his hand instead.

Also, yay for Tsuruya-maido's apparition! I just love her genkiness. The scene with her also showed that Kyon isn't your typical male lead, not being charmed by the maido outfit unlike Kunikida and Taniguchi

Last edited by Katapan; 2006-06-18 at 17:59.
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