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Old 2016-09-19, 15:16   Link #9
Okuyasu the Bird
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 32
Heh, considering how significant brainwashing has been in Despair arc, it being the truth behind the "attacker" in this killing game makes sense to me. A video that drives whoever watches it into suicide eh? Must be the same video that caused the mass reserve course suicide.

And hey Juzo was alive the whole time, but with all that blood loss I figured he wouldn't have long until he succumbed. At least he died saving whoever was left.~

So if Tengan was a Despair as well, I'm assuming the final episode of Despair arc will shed some light on how that happened. Question is though how he's calling Ryota when he's supposedly already dead. Perhaps someone is posing as him?
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