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Old 2016-09-27, 04:23   Link #598
Part-time misanthrope
Join Date: Mar 2007
Originally Posted by GreyZone View Post
I asssume when you read about Greenpeace "dealing with politicians", you imagine they do so by planting a few man-eating magic-trees? I mean if you are implying that activists always "deal with politicians" by using the things that they represent, then...

you get it?

You have to explain why you assume he implied the use of weapons instead of simply their powerful lobby. Saying something like "it's obvious, I don't need to explain it" doesn't cut it here.
Trump has a long history of saying dubious things. From knowing 'many people' to being able to drop Mitt Romney on his knees for endorsement there are all kinds of statements that he left up to others to interpret them and more often than not he doesn't clarify afterwards. This statement was very suggestive at the time he made it and even if it was just a joke gone bad it would still be a terrible joke.

Originally Posted by GreyZone View Post
Perhaps in your imagination I said that. But I was talking about the so-called "intellectualism". Giving "intelligent answers" (whatever that even means in a debate context) has nothing to do with it. And I am sure the opinions are split on what is considered an "intelligent answer" and what is not.
The sounding prepared and measured is part of that intellectualism. Hillary doesn't just appear intelligent, she actually is. She's corrupt but not incompetent as proven by her political career, which if you'll allow me to remark, Donald Trump has none of. The definition of 'intelligent' answers isn't exactly rocket science either. It's something that takes into account the situation with its relevant variables while trying to provide a realistic solution. On that front Hillary is far and above Trump.

Originally Posted by GreyZone View Post
You shouldn't project your world views on the entire audience. Remember how the pundits time and time again tried to do that and falsely claimed that gaffe X would be the end of Trump's campaign? You want to repeat that now? At some point Nate Silver himself even had a breakdown and started blaming the voters for not conforming to his models when Trump was winning the nomination.
I am speaking specifically about this debate. What the pundits did or did not is a different matter.
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