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Old 2016-09-29, 21:10   Link #641
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
Forcing down your throat? Jesus dude, he's merely expressing how and why he came around to supporting Clinton more enthusiastically after admitting he was basically a Bernie bro who hated her. There were many good details provided concerning her record (You know the stuff she ACTUALLY does, not what she says or others say about her). He never absolved her of some the more glaring mistakes. You also can't seem to read as the article said:

"Perhaps Clinton's greatest blemish on her record is the destabilizing of Libya, which led to the Benghazi diplomatic compound attack. Certainly, it was one of the career bullet points that made me despise her. "

As for your health care point, then Obama is a sell-out too. And guess what? He's not hated with the same vitriol on the Bernie wing of the DNC (Except for the more extreme Stein supporters). I think you have to acknowledge the sheer amount of character assassination she has had to endure in politics for the last 25 years. No one in public service in the US in recent times comes even close to the level of scrutiny she had to endure. The right wing sure has done a fantastic job that's for sure.
On the Libyan paragraph. You know that saying on 'anything that is said before the word "but" does not worth a damn' or something like that? Can't remember whom, could be Ned Stark. Anyway, yeah that's what I felt coming off that paragraph.

And a "Bernie bro" calling himself "Bernie bro"? Yeah I guess he now call himself "Hillary shill" and "regressive left" too

On Obama, who said that he was not a sellout? His Obamacare was a moderate Republican plan, despite the Democrats had enough number to push through even singer payer and he got 0 vote from Republican anyway. That policy was a failure from both left and right perspective. He is the person who signed Bush's temporary tax cut in to be permanent. And his TPP is only more popular than slavery. There is a reason why Bernie was seeking for someone to run and push him to be more progressive in 2012. (and I haven't started at Drone programs, NSA, Bin Laden fiasco, so and so on)

He only managed to look better now because Hillary is even a worse sellout, and Trump is Trump, that's all.

Last edited by risingstar3110; 2016-09-29 at 21:30.
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