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Old 2016-10-09, 23:16   Link #792
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Well facts and reality have always been secondary to Trump's base so this isn't surprising.

Anyway there's was plenty to disqualify Trump with on the debate. He...

1.) Basically never sat throughout the debate and spent most of it lurking behind Clinton every time she talked which many who have suffered something similar saw as predatory.
2.)Interrupted Clinton many times that he had to be reprimanded by the moderators (His base will no doubt claim they were being biased against him instead of, I don't know, getting him to behave like a human being)
3)Certainly isn't getting that minority vote as he continued to propagate the falsehood that a great deal of African Americans are living in the inner cities and in poverty (Which I'll remind everyone is racist thinking. Not the mention "THE African Americans" like they're objects or something). Oh yeah and answering the Islamophobia question with an Islamophobic answer.
4.)This in addition to the many things he's done all along like repeatedly dodging THE questions asked of him, providing zero substance to his policies and his lies (I did not say check out the sex tape. Like Holy shit Donald)

So yeah by any conceivable measure Trump lost this debate again. I expect it won't be as bad as the first debate in the polls but it hardly matters. Like you said Reckoner, its the undecided voters, not Trump's lunatic, bigoted, misogynistic base that are at stake here.

Basically what I expected.

Last edited by MCAL; 2016-10-10 at 00:29.
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