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Old 2016-10-18, 23:52   Link #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
One Piece - Chapter 843 [manga]

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Mm-mmm! Nothing like spoilers fresh from a break! Credit goes to AP's Sandman for the info:

-Chapter title is "Vinsmoke Sanji". No splash info yet.

-Luffy's finisher blasts Cracker all the way towards Whole Cake Castle. Shortly afterwards, an alert is issued (apparently to the Homies) to return to their base immediately! Pound explains that this is a big deal, as something like this happened when the previous Sweet Commander was defeated. The result of that time was that Cracker was summoned, and he brought so many forces with him that the sea turned black! Pound also explains that an enraged Linlin called forth a storm and instantly sank the ships of her enemies. For you see.... Linlin is a person who can control the weather. With her left hand, she controls the "thunder", Zeus! With her right, the "sun", Prometheus! Nothing is able to stop Big Mom once she has been scorned...!!!

-Luffy's group are being transported by King Baum. During this time, our rubber hero gets some time to rest from his recent battle. However, some new company arrives during his recovery period: A Vinsmoke car (apparently cat-shaped)! And stepping out from the vehicle is none other than.... Sanji! Naturally, Luffy is overjoyed to see his companion again, and is ready for a happy reunion....

-...Or so he thought, as Sanji kicks down Luffy!!! Even worse, he tells Luffy the very same words Cracker taunted him with a few chapters back: "Go home, you filthy low-class pirates!" The cook announces his allegiance to Germa as its prince, and says he has no intention of returning to the Straw-Hats. Naturally, Luffy is confused by the situation. Yonji appears and intends to get rid of the rubber man, but Sanji stops him, saying he'll get rid of his old comrades himself....!!!!!
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