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Old 2016-10-20, 00:12   Link #1011
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Question. Did they ever get to a point where they are debating issues that the next President of the United States should be responsible for at all?

I am tired of this election already. They don't talk about anything that would be relevant to being the President. They don't come across as Presidential. All we get are sound bite and attacking each other.

I can't even see a "lesser evil" between these two. It is like we have two greater evils fighting it out for who can sucker more people in.
You must have missed Hillary Clinton spending like half the debate discussing her view on Supreme Court nomination (very much the responsibility of the President), her tax plan (in which presidents work closely with their congressional allies to push through), her discussion on her immigration reform plan (another major legislative priority), her foreign policy approach to the Syrian Civil War (the President's most obvious area of responsibility being foreign policy), among other things. In fact until the latter half Trump meltdown it really was quite a substantive debate.

Actually, come to think of it, Trump did share some of the answers to the questions above as well. In his, mind you, nonsensical rambly way, he did say that he would nominate people who'd overturn Roe v. Wade to the Supreme Court, doubled down on his trickle down tax plan, also doubled down on the wall. His "answers" to the Mosul and Aleppo questions were capital offenses on the English language, but OK.

Or is this one of those OMG I am so cynically superior look at my moral high horse, meanwhile one candidate refuses to accept American democracy but whatevs they are all the same...?
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