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Old 2016-11-20, 02:01   Link #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
For those of you who haven't seen Full Metal Panic before and don't know what it's about, here's my attempt at a summary of the series.

Sousuke Sagara is not an ordinary Japanese teenager. Orphaned overseas at a young age, he’s an ace pilot and former child guerrilla employed by Mithril, a secretive counter terrorism organization tasked with missions too sensitive for regular military forces. Now this elite soldier must face his most difficult assignment yet: to go undercover at an ordinary Japanese high school and protect Kaname Chidori, a girl infamous throughout the school for her fiery temper. But why would terrorists and intelligence agencies want to kidnap a seemingly ordinary high school girl?

Set in an alternate 2001 where the Cold War didn't end and giant suits of powered armor called Arm Slaves rule the battlefield, Full Metal Panic is a combination of romantic comedy and thriller whose influences include Gundam and American action movies such as Die Hard and Under Siege.

Last edited by Darthtabby; 2017-01-14 at 21:03.
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